Thursday, January 27, 2011

Class notes 1/27

Studio Day!!

Mirta Kupferminc-really awesome artist who visited last semester, she is doing a photo within a photo series that smcm continued (kind of like this)

This weekend: take a photo somewhere on campus or off campus holding a blank sheet of paper: we will photoshop Kupferminc's image into it


Image-> Image Size: One of the most important windows about your image!!

-Constrain Porportions: keeps an image proportionate if you resize an image (locks the height and width together when you change one of them)

-Resample Image: Photoshop fills the spaces between pixels or loses pixels when you change the ppi--if you want to cut pixels out of the image, resample it. Unchecking it locks the number of pixels in the image.

-Upsampling is bad (taking a small dpi image and making it larger, photoshop adds pixels where it thinks they should be); Downsampling is good! (taking a large image, and making it smaller, removes pixels)

**Make sure you check your image size, this determines if an image can be emailed, put on your flash drive, etc…

Some handy commands and keystrokes:

Select All: command+A

Copy: command+C

Paste: command+V

Cut: command+X

Deselect: command+D

Undo: command+Z

Step backwards (multiple undos): command+option+Z

Merge Layers: command+E

change brush size by [ and ]

select multiple layers by holding shift by clicking

Double click on the icon of the layer to check out the layer styles

Free Transform: command+T

to get out of the transformation, hit return

Selection tools:

rectangular marquee

lasso tools

magic wand and quick selection tools

you can use all the selection tools together!

"refine edges" will show you a preview of your selection


-Take a photo somewhere with a blanks sheet of paper! Then put the Kupferminc picture on the paper

-QUIZ ON PIXEL DIMENSION! Make sure you read/study the Pixel Dimension document!!

-Collage your classmate's scans from blogs

-Start brainstorming for project 1 (remix)

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