Tuesday, April 19, 2011

just to share

Related to the conceptual ideas of mapping, I had a project in both 214 and 314 which related to journeying and exploring spaces. My 214 Journey Project didn't include any 3d or too many mapping elements, but explored an imaginary space (underwater) parallel to a real space (inside my suite in LQ). Apartment Complex is the 314 project, which explored the idea of rooms in an apartment, and the conceptual spaces of stereotypes.

Hope this give you guys some ideas! (or at least that the pieces are entertaining)

class notes 4/19

Tables in Dreamweaver:
this will help you organize your site in a gridded manner.
tables are just like in word--choose the amount of rows and columns, how wide it is, if you want any spacing between the cells

Hover text on images:
in the html of the image after the width and height properties, add: title="your alt text here"

Something I just did was edit the link color in a css file so that it would still be visible in front of a dark colored background. You can choose many dynamic linking options, which are explained here.

On THURSDAY we are presenting our ideas for project three! so make sure you have some sketches/images in order.

Remember there are the SMP PRESENTATIONS tomorrow from 6-8pm in the Boyden Gallery! These will be really great and are also one of the final ART EVENTS

Thursday, April 14, 2011

class notes 4/14


Here is a link for some sketchup tutorials (and another). You can download both Google Earth and Sketchup for free to work on at home with!

window->instructor is very important!

ctrl+z or undo works here to undo any actions!

the orbit tool is very important, it lets you alter your angle and viewpoint to do certain activities

with paint bucket tool you can add different colors or textures to the object

window->components allows you to add readymade objects--you can also find ones from the internet that other sketchup users have made, and put them in or modify them

to scale an object down or up, select the object with the black arrow, then hit S or use the scale tool!

Downloading ground from google earth and uploading your component to google earth can be done with the google earth logo and a yellow down/orange up arrow:

if you ever get lost or lose sight of your components, click on the "zoon extants" button:

MONDAY the FIRST SMP SHOW opens! this show has Kathleen Overman, Allie Snyder, and Allison Yancone's works. These ladies have been working for a year, and have created some wonderful work. You guys should also come because it's a good insight into what you might create when you are a senior, or the scope the SMP can be. The opening is Monday from 5-6, and their presentations are Wednesday 6-8pm.

Final Project is Due May 6th at 2pm! 4 more classes till then.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

class notes 4/12

We watched: The Wilderness Downtown by the Arcade Fire

Google Earth:
the clock will allow you to view historical satellite data--really fascinating!
drag the small human figure to the map to get a ground view/street view of the area
"r" key orients you straight up and down

Screenshot with cmd+shift+4; then click and drag so you enclose the area of the screen that you want to make an image. (if you ever want to capture your entire desktop, that is cmd+shift+3, fun fact!)


Hotspots are spots on the image which are specific links, where you can click on just an element of the image. (here's a visual tutorial for it)
click on the image
choose a oval, rectangular, or polygonal hotspot
define where the hot spot links to!

So just so you all know, there aren't many art events left!! Kai Barrow's lecture was yesterday, and she is a very engaging presenter! She will be working in the second floor of Anne Arundel for the rest of the semester and would love to talk to students.
There are three studio art SMP presentations Wednesday April 20th 6-8pm in Boyden Gallery, Art history presentation May 3rd, 10am-2pm, and a final studio art group of four students May 3rd from 2pm-4pm. There will also be two gallery openings on April 18th and May 2nd, but you should definitely go to the presentations, they will give you more information about the works.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

class notes 4/7

we looked at the CSS Zen Garden as an example. Then we made our own CSS stylesheet!
choose CSS
save it in site root folder

we have a sample css sheet on blackboard, but hopefully you all have your styles.css sheets to look at!

Insert->image object->rollover image

Connecting via FTP in Dreamweaver:
So when we open Dreamweaver on a new computer, make sure you always go to Sites->manage Sites, then choose or create a new one. Your website url is http://students.smcm.edu/yourusername, and here is CTSS's page on how to set up the FTP access.
get lost this weekend! however long that takes, get out of your normal patterns of movement, discover something and DOCUMENT IT. Photo/video/drawing

html and dreamweaver references

So web design can be a pain if you're new to it, so I've found some online references for you guys to look at. After creating in Dreamweaver for a bit, it becomes second nature, so practice will make perfect here!
If you view the code or split view of your pages, you see the html of the page. Sometimes you can troubleshoot things by understanding the html underlying the page so here is one page that gives you bare bone basics of html markup (also it's not too tough of a programming language to learn!). I have also found the W3 School has a great section on html.

Now, Dreamweaver as a program can do so much more than we could learn in html in this class, so here is Adobe's section on Dreamweaver resources. Sometimes Adobe's documentation can be a bit dry/not well explained for beginners, and BGSU has a pretty great bit of documentation (skip the "Activating Your Web Space" and "Getting Started" sections). As we learn different aspects of Dreamweaver (frames and tables, or embedding things) I'll find things to include in the class notes!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

class notes 4/5

We will hopefully print on Thursday, so if you have any LAST MINUTE PAPER TYPE CHANGES be sure to let me know! Here is how I have it thus far:




I will be here early on Thursday for any website troubleshooting you folks need as well, in the meantime I'll try to wrassle up some fun dreamweaver tutes for you guys on the net. After a bit, you get used to the interface and it becomes second nature but learning some things can be a pain at first!