Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Artists: Nobodyhere.com

Nobodyhere.com is an interactive personal site of an anonymous Dutch artist (s/he gives an email of Nobody@nobodyhere.com) with interactive pages that link to one another, and often involve flash games the viewer interacts with to try to figure out the purpose of the site. The topics of the pages are random, about socks, candy hearts, hermit crabs, and gum pieces. Viewers of the page are allowed to comment on pages and interact--commenters are called 'insects', and choose a bug icon avatar to display. The website is available in Dutch, English, and Japanese, which allows a large readership to interact and understand the website. 
I really enjoy sites in which I can personally interact with such as this one, even if they seem purposeless--one "insect" commented that the website is a "great place to unwind". When I created my journey project, I was specifically inspired by this website, which is why I included sounds and as much interactivity in my site, as well as a convolution of links in the page--one image may link to several pages, a couple of them previous in the chain of links, so the viewer spends a lot of time exploring the site. I was also excited to see that the Netherlands Foundation for Fine Arts, Design and Architecture helped fund this website--it's reassuring to see sites as these officially recognized as art. 

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